Tag Archives: t13

Let’s talk about fashion

I actually had another post in mind, and I still intend to get TO that post, but Blizzard distracted me.

I present Exhibit A:

Paladin Tier 13

S’up!  I’m going to be looking like a comic book hero reject.  Lest anyone think this is a bad thing, let me state right off the bat that I actually like this set.  There is something about it that screams “Paladin.”  I play Horde and I still think it fits.

Though I’m not a fan of the hat.  The hat has wings.  Do note, however, that the game lets you turn the helmet graphics off.  These are the first pauldron graphics that appear to actually work like pauldrons should.  I like the Judgement set as much as the next paladin, but those shoulders?  Are really neat, but ultimately not practical (Blizzard sends us to war in bikinis, so I may be picking the nits here.).

Someday H-Ramps will drop the purple judgement shoulders for me.  Someday.

And someday I’ll have the original Judgement Shoulders for my set.  Seriously.  What is it with Kalil and pauldrons?  I swear I’m going to be stuck with these neon blue monstrosities for the next several months.

It should be noted that due to my work schedule my time on farm bosses is severely limited right now.  I won’t be raiding at all next week and this week.  Well.

I’m told we’re starting on Raggy tomorrow, because the Majordomo just went down.

@_@ <— My face is this.

So that’s fun.

In other news: I have collected the Blood Knight set for transmog purposes.  Kalil will be healing for several weeks looking like this:

I still need to find a good weapon for this set, but otherwise I’m pleased.  Yes, his shield does, in fact, breathe fire.

And I’m very much looking forward to mogging All The Things.

Blizz’s pally preview post is here.  I may be one of the only paladins ever to like the look of Crystalforge.