
The Worst Rogue Ever

BRB Goin' on vacation

The Player:  I am an officer/former raid leader in my guild on the Scarlet Crusade server.  My main is holy paladin that I’m very attached to.  I’m called all sorts of things, but in WoW I mostly answer to Kalil (go figure, right?).

I love reading and writing.  I am an avid devourer of stories of all kinds.  I have an art degree (because how will I *ever* get a job with an English degr…wait) and I like to dally in photography.  Currently, I’m learning how not to suck at web design.  In addition to the night job, officer-ing, and family, I’m working on what’s technically called a novel.  I don’t call it that, because it makes it sound more serious than I really mean to be.  In all honesty, it’s just a long story.

*embarrassed shuffle*


A couple quick warnings:

  1. I have a pretty well documented Blood Elf problem.  Of the 10 toons currently rolled on my main realm, 7 of them are belves.
  2. I’m not going to apologize or offer any other explanation for #1.

Having just snagged myself a beta invite for Mists of Pandaria courtesy of having a mount obsession (I really wanted that charger, okay?), I’m dusting off the blog and using it to store my pictures, adventures, and random observations.

If you’re looking for theory crafting, you probably want Elitist Jerks.  If you’re looking for someone who will post pretty beta screenshots and squeal over casting animations, new gear, and the fact that paladins have Sacred Shield back…

Well, I can handle that.

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